What tools, equipment and materials should we buy for KS1 and KS2?

The tools, equipment and materials each individual school buys will depend on the projects they plan to carry out, what children actually design and make and the outcomes from risk assessments. The resources purchased should also comply with local authority, employer and school health and safety policy and guidance.

Your school’s long-term plan for D&T should be referred to when deciding what to buy. If you don’t have a long-term plan, an example long-term plan that will give coverage of the new NC requirements can be downloaded here

If you purchase the ‘Projects on a Page’ scheme of work for D&T this gives you list of possible resources for 15 projects across KS1 and 2 and will help with the auditing and purchasing of tools, equipment and materials, as well as providing support for teaching and learning.   You can buy the scheme here.

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